
Getting Started with Hugo

Updated on 2021-12-10

What is Hugo?

Hugo is an open source static site generator that helps one build fast and flexbile websites.

The reason I have picked Hugo to build this site is because with a well understanding of the framework and theme it is very easy to push out new static pages, this would be suitable for blogs. Hugo also has integration with netlify making it easy to deploy the site too.


The theme I have chosen to modify and work off of is uBlogger, I found this to be a good mix between stylish and simple.

Using Hugo

Starting Fresh

Using hugo is rather simple, installation instructions can be found here, it also covers creating your first Hugo project.

Prexisting Theme

After downloading hugo, if you’re like me and would want to spend less time fretting over the design you can also use a pre-existing theme, all you need to do is find a theme you like, here is a good place to start.

After picking a theme simply download it, head into its folder and run,

hugo new ./mySite
cd ./mySite
hugo server -D

This creates your very own Hugo site, usually pre-existing themes come with an exampleSite folder as well, you should use this as a reference to understand how to personalise your website. That’s about all there is to it. Enjoy your Web Development!